Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Turkey & Cheese Bread

It's very rare that I have a quite morning at home, no house cleaning, no going out, just stay at home and relax.... 9am in the morning already thinking what to have for lunch! haha... A relaxing day like this, means bread time!

After the sausage bread last time, I thought I'll try to do something like the ham and egg bread you get from the chinese bakery! I opened up the fridge... ummm... no eggs, and no ham.... but found a can of Turkey Spam in the pantry and some cheese in the fridge! Ok... Turkey and cheese bread!!!

I just basically followed the same recipe from the sausage bread, but instead of putting in the sausage, I rolled it with the thick slab of pan fried turkey and half a slice of cheese. Ta-da... lunch is ready!!!! After the first bite, my hubby already asked me to make it again! Personally I like the sausage one better!

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