Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Buttermilk Pancake

Saturday morning is a special day for special breakfast - a break away from the usual quick weekday breakfast ie. toast, banana bread, cereal, or porridge. And today's special is Buttermilk Pancake!!! Why buttermilk pancake?!?! Because I had to finish off the carton of buttermilk from the Red Velvet Cake!! =P

Buttermilk is such a fantastic ingredient! It helps to make cake/pancake becomes nice and fluffy, and it can also help breaking down the fiber in meat, making it soft and tender! Magic!

1 cup of self raising flour
40g caster sugar
1 egg, separated
15g butter, melted
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1 cup buttermilk
maple syrup, to serve

1. Combine flour and sugar in a large bow, whisk in combined egg yolks, butter, vanilla and buttermilk
2. Beat egg whites in a small bowl with electric mixer until soft peaks form. Fold 1/3 of the egg white into batter, then fold in remaining egg white.
3. Pour a ladle of batter into large heated oiled frying pan, cook over medium heat, until lightly browned on both sides. Repeat with remaining
4. Drizzle with maple syrup.

Hubby's version: Burnt Buttermilk Pancake... opppss... topped with ricotta and maple syrup

My version: Buttermilk Pancake topped with banana and maple syrup

The pancake was nice and fluff, and very filling! A very satisfying breakfast indeed!!! However, I accidently burnt my hubby's pancakes because I was trying to rush through the cooking time. Not a good idea! =P

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