Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Pan Fried Salmon with Chili Lime Sauce

I have been brought up with a 'fishy diet' since I was young, because my parents reckon that fish is good for you, and low in fat, therefore we should eat more! Therefore my weekly diet used to be either fish + vege, vege + vege, or vege + fish... very occasionally I get some meat in my meal! Not until I got married, and moved out of home that I had to compromise with my hubby and get to taste more meat. I'm not complaining, but I do miss my fish sometimes!

A friend from work who also has a farm up in Hunter Valley brought me some of his produce - freshly grown lime, so I've decided I need to make use of that, and do a pan fried salmon with chili lime sauce!

2 salmon fillet with skin
1 lime, rind and juice
1 tbsp sweet chili sauce
1 tsp brown sugar
bok choy

1. Blanch the boy choy in salted water and a little oil, and drain.
2. Mix the lime juice, rind, sugar, sweet chili sauce and a little water together in a small pot. Heat over medium heat until sugar melted and sauce thickened slightly.
3. Heat a little oil in pan, and pan fry the salmon skin side down first over medium heat. Sprinkle salt and pepper on top. Flip the salmon when the skin becomes crispy. Cook the other side for another 5 minute or until slightly browned.
4. Arrange bok choy on plate with salmon fillet on top, drizzle sauce on top.

The salmon was just cooked, the meat can be easily separated with a slight flick of the fork. The citrus sauce married nicely with the salmon, but I reckon I could have made the sauce a little thicker, and turn it into a glaze! Love this quick and easy and healthy meal!

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