Monday, June 14, 2010

Chicken Basil Fried Rice

Haven't updated my blog for a while, not that I haven't been cooking much, I was actually too busy cooking, and haven't got the time to update! Give me some time, I do have a few in the pipeline!! 

In the last post, I mentioned about the Chicken in Milk I made for my hubby's friends visit, and of course there were left over chicken. I asked my hubby to de-bone it for me after dinner, so I can turn it into another dish the next day. It's always good to make use of the left overs, and magically turn it into another dish which is totally different! Same ingredient, but different taste! 

I used the left over chicken to make Chicken Basil Fried Rice. I love the taste of basil, the fresh and unique fragrant together with the chili turned the dish to have the taste of Thai! I love Thai food! 

1 medium brown onion
3 cloves of garlic
2 chili
1 tbsp brown sugar
left over chicken
handful of green beans, chopped coarsely
3 cups of cooked jasmine rice
2 tbsp fish sauce
2 tbsp soy sauce
handful of basil 

1. Heat oil in a wok, and stir fry the onion, garlic and chili until the onion is softened. (You will get a very strong smell of chili at this point, be aware!) Add sugar, then chicken and beans. Stir fry until the beans are just tender. 
2. Add rice to wok with sauces. Toss gently to combine. Remove wok from heat, and add basil leaves. Toss gently. 

If you don't like the heat from the chili, you can always de-seed the chili before you put them into the wok. And feel free to be creative with the vege, I only added beans because that was what I had in my fridge. If I bothered to go out and get some vege, I would add in some red capsicum for more colour! 

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