Saturday, June 19, 2010

Almustafa @ Glebe

On the Queen's birthday Monday, we went out with a few friends to city to have a photography trek. A friend of ours, Danny is a 'half-professional' photographer... why am I saying he's 'half-professional'?! Not because he's not up to scratch, only because he has another half profession as an architect! Having a photographer friend, how can we not make use of him and ask him to give us some hints and tips in photography! By the way, he was the second photographer in our wedding... yes I do like to make use of my friend's profession! haha... 

After 4 hours of photography in the cold, my legs were so tired from all the standing and walking, and my stomach started to cry for food!!! Since everyone had other commitment after the shoot, so only left with hubby and I to go and hunt for some food to calm our stomach! Both of us were scratching our heads as to where to go, since it's public holiday, and we were not sure what's opened and what's not. At the end, we decided to go to Glebe for some Lebanese food, even if it wasn't open, there's plenty of other food to choose from along Glebe Point Road. 

Once I've heard from a friend that there's a Lebanese restaurant in Glebe that is quite good, but I just had no idea of the name. Thanks to the invention of iPhone and Mr. Google, we found a Lebanese restaurant in Glebe, but didn't sound familiar... but who cares, we were both hungry!! Like all restaurants that we haven't tried or heard of, we'd peep from the outside to see whether it's empty or full... OK... it's full - food can't be too bad.... so we walked in. 

We were greeted by a friendly staff, and the inside doesn't look too attractive, especially the court yard, it just looks like a old local restaurant! We were led to a table, and we opened up the menu, and we thought.... OK, besides the hoummos, I had no idea about the other food on the menu! Oppss.. forgot to mention, this is the first time both hubby and I tried Lebanese food, but I definitely heard alot about it from people at work. And it was only when we saw the Lebanese food tour on Food Safari that clicked us that we should try it! 

Our friendly waiter suggested a few dishes that we should try, and we went for it! 

Hoummos with lebanese bread

This was quite nice, although there was a 'well' of olive oil in the center, but it just didn't taste oily at all! However, if the lebanese bread was served warm, then it would be definitely better! 

This is a salad dish with tomatoes, shallots cucumber, radish, parsley, onion, capsicum and mint with pomegranate and lemon dressing. Yummmm... this was a very refreshing salad, and it was tossed with crushed crispy lebanese bread, which gave the salad an extra layer of texture!!!! 

Soujouk - spicy sausages

Lebanese food ingredients focus on alot of herbs and spices, and these sausages are no exception! In fact, the herbs and spices were too strong to my liking. But it still tasted good, and I started to dip the sausages in the left over citrus dressing of the salad, which helped to calm the flavour a bit. 

Lamb Mansaf

This was our FAVOURITE dish of the night. Highly recommended. It was a baked leg of lamb cut in strips and served on a bed of rice cooked with herb and minced lamb, topped with cashews and pinenuts, with yoghurt and chili on the side. The lamb was full of flavour, and I do mean full of lamb flavour!!! The meat was tender, and slightly pink in the center - perfectly cooked! And the rice was amazing, never tasted anything like it before - the rice was cooked just right and each grain of rice was wrapped with the flavour of lamb and herbs! Both hubby and I absolutely loved this dish, and we scraped the last grain of rice out of this dish! However if you don't fancy the unique flavour of lamb, then I wouldn't recommend it to you, because it was indeed very strong which I love! =P 

Overall, I think Almustafa has fabulous food and great atmosphere, both of us walked out with full stomach!!! And I would definitely go back there or try other Lebanese restaurants!!!! If you have any good suggestions, please let me know, love to give it a go! 

Almustafa Lebanese Restaurant
23 Glebe Point Road,

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