Monday, June 14, 2010

Banana Bread - THE nice version!

I mentioned earlier in the blog that I haven't found a good recipe of banana bread all these times. And finally I have found one! One that actually taste like the cafe banana bread! Thank you Jo for his recipe!!!! 

I bought 4 bananas and was looking forward to make this recipe, normally the bananas would ripe in about 4 days on the kitchen bench. But because of the recent cold weather, I waited for TWO WHOLE WEEKS before they turned brown/black! That was a long wait! 

1/2 cup of butter
1 cup of brown sugar
1 egg
3/4 cup banana mashed (I used 4 medium size bananas - a bit more than 3/4 cup)
2 tbsp milk 
1 tsp baking soda
2 cups of plain flour
2 tsp baking power

1. Cream butter and sugar together. Then add egg.
2. Add 2 tbsp of milk to banana, and gently fold the banana mixture to the egg mixture.
3. Sift the baking power and baking soda together with the flour. 
4. Fold the flour into the mixture made in Step 2 a little at a time. 
5. Bake in a preheated 170C oven for 1 hour. 

This banana bread is nice and fluffy with a very consistent texture throughout. After the banana bread is cooled, I usually cut it into thick slices (I cut this loaf into 8 slices), and wrapped individual one with glad wrap and freeze it. And when I want to eat one, I'd defrost it in the microwave, then spread it with butter on top, and grill it! Then you'll get a nice crunchy top, but yet still moist inside!!!! Perfect for winter breakfast and afternoon snack!!!! 

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