Monday, June 21, 2010

Buttermilk Chicken Drumsticks

Winter is cold this year, and my house gets especially cold, probably because of the floorboard and the trees around the house that shades out the sun - which is pretty good in summer time!! And this is probably one of the reasons why I crave for some hearty meal!!!!

I love this buttermilk chicken drumsticks dish, not only it's very easy - chuck everything in a bowl to marinate overnight, then roast in the oven the next day, and it's also very tasty!!!

8 drumsticks (you can put a few more in if you want... there's enough marinate for 3-4 more!)
600ml of buttermilk
2 cloves of garlic, chopped
1 tbsp crushed peppercorn
1.5 tsp table salt
1 tsp ground cumin
1 tbsp maple syrup
drizzle of vegetable oil

1) Put EVERYTHING in a large bowl and marinate overnight in the fridge. Make sure that the drumsticks are well coated. I like to toss it again in the morning to get a more even coat of marinates.
2) Preheat the oven to 220C. Drain the marinates and place the drumsticks on oven tray lined with foil. Drizzle with some vegetable oil on top, and roast for 30-40 minutes.

Ta-da... isn't this easy?!? You need no more than 10 min of preparation time! The spices from the peppercorn and cumin have made this dish so tasty... I love cumin!!! It just have a gorgeous taste! And the use of buttermilk helps to make the chicken extra tender. There have been a couple of times where I replaced maple syrup with golden syrup (hahhaha... yeah... didn't have maple syrup at home!!) but it just doesn't taste the same!!! So I guess maple syrup is one of the crucial ingredients that makes these drumstick taste fantastic. You can always serve this dish with some roasted vege to make the meal extra hearty!

oh oh... and to make it extra extra hearty, hug a hot water bottle with a cosy throw wrapped around you, sitting in front of the TV with the meal on your lap.... perfect winter night!!

My recent purchase!! Cute little hot water bottle... =)

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