Monday, March 14, 2011

Unagi Fried Rice with Egg

I bought a couple of unagi a while ago, and they have been hiding at the back of the freezer quietly... ummm... maybe it's time for me to dig them out and do something with them!

Unagi on rice, unagi sushi and unagi fried rice have always been some of my favourite dishes in Japanese cuisine... I guess in general I just like unagi!!! hahaha... sometimes I do think maybe it's not unagi that I like, it's the sauce that I'm obsessed with. Usually unagi comes with a slightly sweet and sticky sauce, the chef usually keeps on brushing the sauce on top of the unagi while grilling, and after it is cooked, a generous amount of the sauce is brushed on top to enhance the flavour!

Unfortunately, the frozen unagi that you get from the Asian grocery store usually has a more chewy texture rather than the soft texture you get when it is fresh. So the frozen ones are usually not good for doing ungai sushi, but it's ok for eel fried rice!

Serves 3-4
2 cups cooked rice, cooled and refrigerated over night
2 unagi, diced
4 eggs, whisked
2 medium carrots, diced
handful chopped shallot
unagi sauce

1) Heat the wok with a little oil, and pour half of the whisked egg in to make an omelette. Then repeat to make a second one.
2) Once the omelettes are cooled, rolled it up and sliced into thread like shape.
3) Heat a little more oil in the wok, then add diced carrots, and stir fry for 2 minutes. Then add in the unagi and stir fry for 1 minute.
4) Add in the cold cooked rice and stir until the grains of rice are separated, and thoroughly mixed through with the carrot and unagi.
5) Drizzle with the sauce, and continue to stir fry until the colour is evenly distributed.
6) Turn off the heat, and stir in the egg threads and 3/4 of the shallots.
7) Spoon the fried rice into a bowl, and sprinkle with fresh shallots.


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