Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Roast Chicken with Garlic and Peri Peri Sauce

It is not the first time I’ve heard from people how good those oven bags are for roasting meat, so I thought I’d give it a go!

As I was walking down the aisle in Woollies, I actually found those oven bags came with different seasoning as well! There were garlic, honey soy, herbs, and portugese or something, of course you can the plain ones and do your own seasoning as well. But I felt like being lazy, so I picked the garlic one!!!!

When it came to the chicken night, I felt extra lazy, and since hubby was working from home that day so I instructed my hubby to do the chicken roasting! But these oven bags are just so amzing, making this so a simple process! No need to give hubby a massive long instruction on how to marinate and all that fearing he will miss something along the preparing process, just ask him to read the instruction on pack!!! haha... Basically you just need to give the chicken a good wash, pat dry with paper towel, then put it in the oven bag and give it a good shake and rub, poke a few holes, and in it goes into the pre-heated oven for 1.5 hour! Easy!

Recently I’m in a hot and spicy crave, so after the chicken is done, I gave it a good brush of the Nando Hot Peri Peri sauce!!!! Yummmmm....

The colour of the roast chicken turned out great, and because it was cooked in a bag with its juice that means the meat can remain juicy and tender. But one thing I reckon can improve is the taste. Without the peri peri sauce, I think the garlic flavour wasn’t intense enough, it can do with a bit more flavour! Lucky that I had the Nanado sauce handy!!!!!


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