Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Marinated Chicken Wings

Chicken wing is such a versatile kind of meat, basically you can cook it in any way you want! You can steam it, bake it, grill it, deep-fried it, pan-fried it.... and the list goes on!

Baking and steaming are the methods I use the most for chicken wings! Why??? Because it’s easy and less fuss as long as you marinate it beforehand! But this time I chose to pan-fried it just to make it out of the ordinary! I heated up the pan, and add a little oil in then start pan frying the chicken wings in batches until golden brown on both sides! Because this time I was so un-organised and didn’t marinate the meat before hand, so I qucikly whipped up a sauce hoping that it can be flavoursome enough! What I added in was some chopped garlic, tomato sauce, worchestershire sauce, sugar, vinegar and tobasco sauce!!! hahahaha... yes a random mixutre of everything...

After the wings are all done, give the pan a good wipe to get rid of the excess oil. Then return the chicken wings into the pan, turn the heat on low and add the ‘random sauce’ in and let it simmer for about 5-8 minutes!!!! The wings turned out to have a nice rich reddish brown colour, however this last minute sauce lack the tangy flavour that I was expecting, maybe it could do with a bit more vinegar and tobasco sauce! And next time I think I should be a bit more organised and marinate the meat beforehand or at least give the wings a good rub with the salt to enhance the flavour!

Boo boo for me this time!!!


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