Monday, December 13, 2010

Another Jap Night + Vanilla Bean Ice-cream with Almond Toffee Dust and Poached Pear

8 years... I can't believe that time flies like a rocket!!!! Hubby and I have been together for 8 years, and of course there have been lots of ups and downs, joy and sorrow. The day hubby decided to stay in Aus for good, to when we started going out, to the day we united as one and have our home and family till now, God has definitely carried us through and let us experienced his blessings.... =)

The day of our 8 year anniversary happened to fall on a weekend, and happened to have great sunshine after weeks of miserable weather - thank you God.... so we've decided to out of Sydney and enjoy a day out at the Blue Mountain. But that also means we'll have a simple dinner at home, no extravagant cooking!!!! You might say, we should have gone out for dinner... but I guess december time is the month of celebrations and parties, so having a simple dinner at home is not such a bad idea!!!

I asked hubby what he wanted for dinner... he said sushi!!! hahaha.... yes you can tell we both love our japanese food!!!! So the menu for the night was:

Eel sushi and tofu pocket sushi plate
Cabbage salad with vinegar dressing
Cold prawns

Very simple menu indeed!!!!! Eel and tofu pocket can be bought from Asian grocery store, also the edamame, which can be found in the frozen section!!!

A special night like this, how can you go without dessert?!!?!? Ohhh... I think I forgot to mention... I recently purchased an ice-cream machine!!!!! Yay!!!! Now I can make ice-cream in all sorts of different flavour, and tonight we had the test run of a basic flavour - vanilla bean!

With the ice-cream machine, it's so easy to make homemade ice-cream now. Before I had to go through the repeat process of freezing and churning, freezing and more churning. But now I just had to mix all ingredients and bring to a slow simmer, then pour into the machine and done! Although the thought of making your own ice-cream is fabulous, but the cost of making it is actually not too much cheaper than buying a tub from supermarket!!! =P but I guess it's the idea that makes it fun and priceless!!!!

Dessert for the night was vanilla bean ice-cream with almond toffee dust and poached pear! After the ice-cream was ready, I poured it into a tear-drop shaped ring to make this ice-cream extra special!!! hahaha... this tear-drop shaped ring is my recent purchase from Hong Kong!!!! So cheap!!! It was like $20HKD (<$3AUD)!!!!!

Almond toffee dust - sounds weird right??? Well... it was suppose to be almond praline, but I think because I didn't let it go hard enough before I put it in the blended, after the first pulse it turned into dust!!!!! =.=" anyway... it still tasted good! And the trick of doing a poached pear is the cinnamon stick!!!!! It makes such a different in flavour, so next time when you do any poached fruit, stick a cinnamon stick in there for that extra spice!!!!

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