Saturday, July 24, 2010

Tea too

Every morning I start my day with a cup of coffee, and for the rest of the day I do live on tea! I know I know.... I should drink more water, I know! =P

I don't like black tea so much, I like green tea, floral tea or fruit tea. I remember last time I went to Taiwan (probably around 10 years ago now!!!) Mable and I stopped by a tea cafe everyday. That was a 'must do' thing on our schedule. Taiwan is famous for their floral and fruit tea, and I still clearly remember... we walked into an alley way, we found a tea cafe full of people. The weather was cold and wet and we thought this was the perfect place to have a rest! We pushed the door opened, and all we could smell was rose! The entire cafe was filled with the smell of rose from the flower, the rose incense and their rose tea. It also had a nice log fire place and comfy couches throughout the whole shop. Perfect place to warm ourselves up! I wish there is a place like that in Sydney!

The other day, hubby was complaining that he hadn't been sleeping well, and he used to drink the 'Sleep Tight' tea from Tea Too after dinner which he said it did help him from having a sound sleep that night. But unfortunately we ran out of this tea! So, being a caring wife... =P... the next day I went into Tea Too to have an adventure. I say that it's an adventure because I like going into Tea Too and pick up all the different kind of tea leaves and have a sniff of their flavour - so it's definitely an olfaction adventure for the nose!!! Whether the tea 'Sleep Tight' really works, I don't know because I'm the type who can sleep at any time and any decent place! A can drink a full cup of coffee and go to bed straight away! I always say that it's a blessing from God! :) According to my hubby, he claimed that the tea works - the blend has lemonbalm, jasmine blossoms, lavender and rose petals which I guess helps him to calm and relax. When I make this tea for him, I usually throw in a few more rose buds in there along with a dash of honey, just to add more flavour to it.

It's my mum's birthday soon, so when I was in the shop, I thought I should get her some tea as well, since she's a floral and fruity tea person like me too! I ended up buying the French Earl Grey, Camomile & Lavender and Gorgeous Geisha. French Earl Grey is like the normal earl grey with the floral touch to it, a friend of mine bought this for me a while ago, and I loved it! Camomile & Lavender is pretty self explanatory, and I do think that my mum will enjoy this. Gorgeous Geisha is a green tea with a luscious flavours of strawberries and cream. I had a taste test of it while I was there, and it has a beautifully sweet taste, and really do smell like strawberries and cream which reminded me of the strawberry ice-cream! Along with the tea, I'll probably get my mum some handmade chocolate as well... ummm... still thinking where I should go!

Tea Too is a place I enjoy going, but I don't tend to buy a lot from there, because I do think it's quite pricy! Besides selling tea, it also has a cafe which I meant to pay a visit since last year, but unfortunately till now, I still haven't been. I really should make an effort to go there and enjoy their afternoon tea set!

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