Sunday, July 18, 2010

Cinnamon Jam Drop

After the recent high tea even at church, I had 4 jars of half full jam left and I really wanted to get rid of them, since they do take up quite a bit of space in the fridge and it will probably take Hubby and I a very long time to finish them off. And one day as I was reading through the few blogs that I usually follow, 'panda and cake' posted a recipe of jam drop, and I thought... 'perfect', so I went into the kitchen and start baking.

To be honest, very rarely that I have success with cookies!! They either spread too much, or turned out too soft. I could never get the consistency right! And this one is no exception... therefore.. failed! =( However the taste is quite cook, the cinnamon spice in the cookie just tasted fantastic!!! =)

I'm sure that there is no prob with this recipe, since other people's turned out well, so it must be my problem. My third batch actually turned out better, didn't spread as much! Don't know whether it's because for the third batch I switched the oven from conventional to fan-forced. It seems that it helped a bit...

What are the tips for baking some good quality cookies that have the right consistency?? Can someone help me?? =(

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